2021 Holiday Culinary Celebration
Saturday, December 4, 2021
5:00 – 7:30 pm
A holiday fundraiser to benefit the arts in La Veta produced by the La Veta Creative District
Stroll among eight of La Veta’s galleries & shops and enjoy a sampling of holiday foods from around the world. Drawings for prizes created by local artists and for an art scholarship. Holiday music provided by the FCPA Show Choir. Donate $25 per person and receive a ticket to join the fun. Tickets available at SPACe, Artisans on Main, and H’s Place. Tickets also available with credit cards below. Face coverings and social distancing will be encouraged.
Galleries and Other locations of artwork taking part:
SPACe (Spanish Peaks Arts Council) Gallery
Shalawalla Gallery & Batik Studio
Artisans on Main
The Salon–artwork by Marta Moore
H’s Place Gallery
Crafted in Colorado
Silver Shoe
La Veta School of the Arts